Sensory Deprivation Float Therapy
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Sensory Deprivation Float Therapy

Sensory Deprivation Float Therapy could help benefit those with muscular pains, anxiety, trouble concentrating, depression, trouble sleeping, burnout, addictions and fatigue. Flotation Therapy is essentially a way of achieving deep relaxation by spending an hour or so lying quietly in darkness, suspended in a warm solution of Epsom salt. Float tanks are also known as isolation tanks, sensory deprivation tanks & REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy) chambers.

The basic concept is that floating reduces external stimuli as much as possible to help the body achieve a natural restorative state. Some people compare the experience of floating to meditation or yoga.


  • Stress reduction
  • Anxiety relief
  • Sports recovery
  • Pain relief
  • To promote relaxation
  • Reduce headaches
  • Increased circulation
  • For more restful sleep
  • To learn to meditate
  • For moms craving a little quiet time.
  • In particular, magnesium is known to help balance calcium levels in the body, reduce stress, balance hormones, normalize blood pressure, reduce risk of cancer and other diseases and much more.

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